
Sponsorship is crucial to the ongoing success of Airth Highland Games. The support of our generous sponsors and patrons enables us to host a great event each year. It means that we can develop our Games whilst honouring our long history and heritage.

If you’re interested in sponsoring the Airth Highland Games then please get in touch with Emma Gillanders at secretary.airthgames@gmail.com.

With over 3000 people coming to the event every year, it’s a great way to promote your business.

We’d like to say a huge thank you to all our sponsors and patrons, listed below, for continuing their much valued support.

Airth Bakers ShopAirth Community CentreAirth Parish Community Centre
Airth PharmacyAwdesign DigitalE Burgoyne & Sons
H & J Burgoyne Accident Damage Repair SpecialistsMr Andy & Mrs Myra ChristieCollumbine Funeral Services
Cowan Funeral DirectorsJames Dunn & Son LandscapingMrs Marion Fairley
Falkirk CouncilFoundry SteelsForth Valley Fabrication
Mr Jim HallH & R Gray HaulageMr John & Mrs Norma Jarvie
Jenkins School of Highland DancingLinkfield FarmLochay Homes
Mr Craig Martin & FamilyMr Alex McGuireMurray Caravans
Odenwald Association Falkirk TwinningOutside SpacePaterson Garden Buildings Ltd
H & L PlantPowfoulis Manor HotelMrs Joyce Rankin
George Russell ConstructionWilliam Scott Funeral DirectorsScotty’s Mechanical & Welding
Taylor’s Fun FairsUnison Falkirk Branch